If You’re New to Telecommuting, the Work-Life Formula Summit is for You

Many businesses are rapidly pivoting to allow their employees to work from home all across the nation. In some places, this has come about as state governments have ordered businesses to close offices and storefronts and citizens to stay at home as much as possible. In other states, they are simply trying to get ahead of the spread of COVID-19, and prevent such orders from becoming a necessity.
Whatever the situation, though, a lot of people who used to work in offices are working from home for the first time. This is a difficult transition. People are trying to find space in their homes to work and wondering how to balance their work life and their home life when those two environments are colliding.
Thankfully, telecommuting isn’t a new concept. The world is more connected than ever. Cloud software and storage services make it easy to access and work on files from any computer with an Internet connection, and phones, e-mail, and communication apps like Slack allow people to keep each other up-to-date. It really is becoming more and more unnecessary to come into the office (at least most of the time). Working from home has been around; it just hasn’t been mainstream. That means that there are individuals who have been doing this for a while, and have become experts at working from home.
What the Summit Is All About

Paul D. Michaels, who describes himself as a “work-from-home father of three teenagers,” is one such expert. He has gathered eleven speakers together and organized the Work-Life Formula Summit, How to Set Yourself Up for Success During a Crisis, which is covering a variety of topics relating to working remotely and keeping things running smoothly while doing so.
Doctors, nutritionists, authors, CEOs, and more have come together to speak on a range of topics to help people transition to working from home. Topics range from improving productivity to getting restful sleep, from good financial practices to being a work-at-home parent. Some speakers are especially topical to the current coronavirus pandemic, and discuss ways to stay healthy and support your immune system.

And just because you’re working from home is no reason to ignore good ergonomics. One speaker that we have a special interest in here at WorkWhileWalking is Ben Bigglestone, a Workplace Wellness Solutions Specialist at our sister company iMovR, who will be demonstrating ergonomic desks and active workstations. He will be showing attendees a number of products that work well for home offices and how to get started using them.
How Does It Work?
This is a virtual summit—and given the state of things, it would need to be; everything is accessed online, and the speakers’ talks are streamed to attendees wherever they are. The talks are spaced out over the course of three days. You can view the official schedule here.
It’s free to sign up, which will let you watch all the broadcasts and replays, but there is also a paid option that will allow you to rewatch the summit’s broadcasts even after it ends. You can see details on this page.
A lot of people we know have started working from home, and we’re glad that resources are available to help support people through this transition. While telecommuting has many benefits over going into the office every day, that doesn’t mean that it is without its challenges. If you’re one of the many employees now working remotely, and you think you could benefit from some expert advice, be sure to check it out.
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